Site 1: Commonwealth Bank
The purpose of this website is to provide Commonwealth bank customers with online features such as account management and banking.
The target audience of this website is Australian.
The navigation of this site is fairly clean and simple. It only has 5 Menus with multiple sub menus each. It is very easy to navigate your way around.
The design of this site is effective because the content is broken down into little square sections that are clearly labeled so you can pick what you want quickly. It also uses bold colours to contrast different sections of the site and the content is neatly positioned. It has a corporate feel.
This site does work effectively.Site 2: Alex Dukal
The purpose of this website is to advertise illustrations and art work by the artist Alex Dukal.
The target audience is for potential employers as it is a portfolio.
The navigation of this site is very simple and easy to use. It contains thumbnails with links to each picture and it is very straightforward with simple menus.
The design elements in this page.
This site does work as the layout, colour, and simple navigation schemes make it effective and
easy to use.
Site 3: Finlandia
The purpose of this site is to promote and advertise Finlandia's vodka product.
The audience is young people as they are more likely to vuy this product.
The navigation is brilliant. The flash menu is self paced and will change by itself as you follow directions on the page. Very easy to use.
Yes, the site does work. It advertises the product well making it seem appealing.
It would be difficult for people who have a slow internet connection to use.Site 4: Disney
This purpose of this site is to entertain and provide information about TV shows etc.
The audience is children and parents.
The navigation is easy to use.
Yes, the site does work. It is easy to use to effectively find information and it entertains very well because of the bright colours and the effects and also games etc.
It would be difficult for people who have a slow internet connection to use.Site 5: Dolce and Gabbana
The Dolce and Gabbana site is used to attract upper class or people interested in designer products to buy Dolce and Gabbana products.
The audience is for wealthy people or just people interested in designer fashion. Most likely more women than men.
The navigation is good. The menus highlight and grow in colour which entertains and draws the user into the site. It is simple and stylish.
Yes, it works, though it would be difficult for people who have a slow internet connection to use.Site 6: Slipknot
The purpose of this site is to promote the band Slipknot and to provide fans with information such as concert dates and news etc.
The audience is yound people as they are more suited to Slipknot's genre of music (Heavy/Alternative metal)
The navigation is very simple and makes use of a lot of image hyperlinks and colours.
Final Logo
Here is my finished logo. I suppose, if I had done packaging the front
would look something like this, slipped in under a DVD cover.
15 years ago
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